Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Helios House Knowledge Pattern

For this case study I mimicked the design of the helios house in LA. On my first attempt, I simply triangulated a column, but there was not as much differentiation in the surface as in the surface of the helios house. I then replaced the triangulation with a pyramid shape, which is not exactly the same as the helios surface, but looks similar to it because of its roughness.

Knowledge Pattern

Here is the first knowledge pattern which I created from the Paramod tutorial.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Document Templates

For this tutorial I create a tube which is defined by four points at each end. The thickness of the tube is proportional to its length - the shorter the tube the thicker it is. The ratio of thickness to length is controlled by global parameters at each end, so the diameter of the opening can be different at each end of the tube. I ran into a few problems when I tried editing the original framework, and when I updated the original parameters. In one instance, I changed the framework in a way which caused some of the components to turn red. Also, after saving the product and reopening it, all of my parts had lighting bolts next to them in the tree, and would not update with the global parameters.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Power Copy - Yas Hotel

For this assignment I modeled the facade of the Yas hotel, which consists of a series of diamonds. I first set up two overlapping grids which created a diamond pattern, and then projected that onto a curved surface. I created a diamond shaped surface between the points, and gave it a parameter which allowed it to open on one side, like the panels in the yas hotel facade. I then power copied this shape across the entire grid.